2021年あけましておめでとうございます。Happy New Year 2021!

しかし、ENJOY CANADAはそれでも、将来渡航する方や、カナダに滞在中の方のサポートを続けて来ました。
Enjoy Canadaはいつもここで、あなたのカナダライフをサポートします。2021年も、よろしくお願いします。
Happy New Year!
The Coronavirus really affected us and all over the world last year.
We were first thinking it would end soon, but a month passed, 3 months passed, a half year passed, and finally the year turned to 2021.
Many people postponed coming to Canada, came back home, or even gave up studying in Canada.
However, Enjoy Canada never gave up and supported people who want to come to Canada and who are already in Canada.
Students with study permits have been gradually coming to Canada since late October last year.
We are always here to give you the best support possible. Please talk to us if you need any help to come to Canada.