24時間営業のおすすめカフェ / Cafés Open for 24 Hours

こんにちは! スタッフのなおこです。今日は24時間開いているカフェをご紹介したいと思います♪
1つ目は、ご存じの方も多いですね♪ そう、Breka Bakery & Caféです♪
バンクーバーの美味しくておしゃれカフェといえばココ!! なお店で、パン屋さんであり、イートインできるカフェスペースもあります。お店に入るとサンドイッチやドーナツ、ケーキ、パイにクッキーなど、何でもそろっていて、いつも選ぶのに苦労します(笑)
飲み物も充実していて、コーヒーはマキアートやモカ、ソルトキャラメル、紅茶やハーブティーも種類がたくさんあり、London Fogからジャスミン、煎茶まであります!
さて2つ目ですが、カナダを代表するカフェといえば! そう、Tim Hortonsですねぇ♪ ネイティブカナディアンの人たちは愛称でTimmy’sと言ったりします。
Timのいいところは何といっても安さですよね! コーヒーも2ドル弱で美味しいです。コーヒー大好きな私は、ダークローストで「レギュラー(お砂糖とクリーム1杯ずつ)」か、疲れて甘いのが飲みたいときは、「ダブルダブル(お砂糖クリーム2つずつ♡)」を注文します。ドーナツも1ドルちょっとで買えるのがお財布に優しいですよね。
Hello! Today I would like to introduce a cafés that are open 24/7♪
As many of you know, the first one is… yes, it’s Breka Bakery & Café♪
This is Vancouver’s tasty and sophisticated café!! This is also a bakery and also has a café space where you can eat. When you enter the store, you will find everything from sandwiches, donuts, cakes, pies to cookies, and it’s always hard to choose, haha.
There are various types of drinks. Macchiato, mocha, salted caramel coffees, teas and herbal teas, from London Fog to jasmine and sencha (Japanese Green tea)!
This café is very popular not only during the day but also at night. Especially the number of seats is limited by COVID these days, you may be lucky if you can sit without waiting!
Second one, is the Canada’s leading café! Yes, it’s Tim Hortons♪ Native Canadians nicknamed and often call them “Timmy’s”.
The best thing about Tim’s is that it’s cheap! Coffee is also delicious for just under $2. As a coffee lover, I order “REGULAR (1 sugar & 1 cream)” at Dark Roast, or “DOUBLE DOUBLE (2 sugar & 2 cream ♡)” of Dark roast when I am tired and need a sweet one. It’s gentle to your wallet (reasonable) that you can buy donuts for just over a dollar as well.
Before COVID, there were quite many locations that were open 24/7, but after-COVID, the number of locations that were open all night has decreased and many close at 10 pm or midnight.
People who work in the middle of the night and those who work at night, students who feel noisy and can not study at home can always go and take a rest, or study there!
Tim’s on Davie street seems to be the only location that is open for 24 hours for now, but I hope other shops will reopen soon. Please let me know if you have any information that the location is open ♪