使える移動手段検索アプリ「Transit」Got Lost? “Transit” App Will Help You



そこで便利なアプリ、その名も「Transit」を紹介します! iOSでもAndroidでも用意されています。Google Mapsも相変わらず便利なので、状況に応じて、合わせて使ってみましょう。


1. オフラインで使える


2. バスがあと何分(何秒)で来るか表示される

Google Maps にない機能がこちらです! バスの時刻表が分かっても、遅れていたり、逆に道がすいていると時間より早く行ってしまっている事も・・・。(それがバンクーバーですよね)


3. 自分の周辺から出るバスが自動で表示される


他にも使ってみると便利な機能があるので、Google Mapsと組み合わせて使ってみてくださいね!

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Vancouver has a lot of public transport, and you can usually get there by SkyTrains and buses wherever you go! 

However, if you can’t make full use of trains and buses, there are too many routes for buses, and you get lost. So today, I’ll Introduce you a useful app called “Transit.” Google Maps is still also useful, so I think you should use it together.

Features of Transit App

1. Can be Used Offline

You need to download the map of the surrounding area once at where you are online, but after that you can use it without Wifi

2. Shows How Many Minutes (Seconds) the Bus Will Arrive

Here are some features that Google Maps doesn’t have! 

Even if you know the timetable of the bus, the bus may be running late, or conversely, if the road is not busy, the bus may have gone earlier than the time. (That’s Vancouver!)

In such a case, the current position of the bus can be known in real time with the GSP function.(You can see if the bus is approaching or has gone)

3. Buses Departing From Your Surroundings are Automatically Displayed

When you open the app, the surrounding bus information will be displayed automatically. It is convenient because you can know the time and destination, and you can know how many minutes it will leave and how many minutes until next bus.

There are other useful functions to use, so I recommend to use it in combination with Google Maps!

