



1.Black Sheep:(組織内の)変わり者


例)He is a black sheep in the company. 彼は社内の変わり者だ。

2.Ring a bell :ピンとくる、覚えがある


例)Have you seen this picture?  Hmmm, doesn’t ring a bell.

この写真見たことある? うーん、覚えがないなぁ。

3.Have a bee in one’s bonnet :奇妙な考えにとりつかれている、ある考えが頭から離れない

Bonnet とは、女性用の帽子のことですが、ここにハチがずっとBuzzing(ぶんぶん飛んでいる)頭からある考えが離れず、ずっと考えてしまっていることです。必ずしも女性だけではなく、男性も使える表現です。

I’ve been craving fried chicken. I had a bee in my bonnet.


English Expressions ~ Are you obsessed with strange ideas? ??

Series of useful English expressions that you can use. These expressions are also useful to remember as it often comes up when you talk to native English speakers.

1. Black Sheep : Weirdo (in the organization)

At work or school, sometimes we call strangers that way. The color that comes to mind when you think of a sheep is white, isn’t it? The black sheep is standing out in the white sheep. If you look it up in a dictionary, it may say “troublesome” or “dirty”, but it’s not necessarily a bad meaning, and it is sometimes used with nuances like heretics. If there is a person who has a different ideas or acting differently from others in a company organization, he can be called as a black sheep.

Ex) He is a black sheep in the company.

2. Ring a bell : Sounds familiar, it reminds you of something

It is used when someone asks you something, it comes to you, you know it, or you are familiar with it. It’s easy to understand if you imagine the bell ringing in your head, saying, “Oh, that’s it!”

Ex) Have you seen this picture? Hmmm, doen’t ring a bell.

3. Have a bee in one ’s bonnet : I’m obsessed with strange thoughts

Bonnet is a hat for women. This idiom can be used when you have been thinking about something for a long time. It is like you have a bee Buzzing in your head. It is an expression that can be used not only by women but also by men.

Ex) I ’ve been craving fried chicken. I had a bee in my bonnet.

