スノーシューに挑戦 Try Snowshoeing!

寒い冬がまだ続いていますね~! みなさん、何をしてお過ごしですか?
雪山を「西洋かんじき」(Snowshoe)を履いて、ザックザクと歩いて楽しむスポーツです! フワフワの新雪だったらまた最高ですよね!
スノーシューの良いところは、低料金で楽しめ、リスクが少なく激しすぎないので、何といってもお子さんからお年寄りまで、気軽にできることです! とは言え、雪道を歩くスポーツなので、汗をかくこともあります。水分は補給しましょう。
バンクーバー付近では、サイプレスマウンテンや、マウントシーモアがお手頃価格でオススメです。19才以上の大人の入場料は$15〜16 (スノーシューレンタル込み$35~36)*Tax別。13才以下やシニアはそれより安いです。どちらも午後4時にクローズ、レンタルは2〜3時間前で終了となります。
グラウスマウンテンは入場にゴンドラの料金が入るのでお高め (加えてスノーシューレンタル料金$20)ですが、上にあがるとスケートリンク (スケート靴レンタル$8)やおしゃれなレストランなどもあり、眺めも良いですよ♪ オンラインでチケットを買うときは、”Are you BC resident?” をクリックしポスタルコードを入れると、10ドルほど安くなりますよ~!
コロナウイルスの影響もまだ続きますので、引き続きSocial Distancingは保って楽しみましょう。
Cypress Mountain
Mount Seymour
Grouse Mountain

The cold winter is still going on! What are you guys doing?
If you like skiing or snowboarding, I’m sure you’re enjoying the winter♪
By the way, what is not surprisingly known is snowshoeing.
It is a sport to enjoy walking in the snowy mountains with (Western) “snowshoe”! It would be awesome if there is fluffy fresh snow, too!
Snowshoe trails are usually located close to ski and snowboard area, and it is like a hike with a map in your hand. Even in places that are sometimes narrow and hard to figure out which way to go, you will find arrow signboards are standing properly♪
The good things about snowshoeing are that they can be enjoyed at a low price, less risky and not too intense, so everyone from children to the elderly can enjoy it! However, because it is a sport that walks on snowy paths, it can be sweaty. Do not rehydrate after enjoying it.
Don’t forget to protect yourself from the cold. Your outfit like jackets, inner wears, and pants are the same as your ski or snowboard gear. A toque and gloves are also required. The snow is dazzling, so it would be better to have sunglasses. Be sure to wear waterproof and cold boots on your feet. (If it is not waterproof, water will seep in. You may rent “Overboots” to cover your boots to prevent water from seeping.)
In the vicinity of Vancouver, Cypress Mountain and Mount Seymour are recommended for reasonable prices. The admission for adults over 19 years old is $15-16 ($35~36 including snowshoe rental) Tax is not included. Under 13 years old and seniors are cheaper than that. Both close at 4 p.m., and the rental deadline is 2 or 3 hours before closing.)
Grouse Mountain is a bit expensive because a gondola fee is included in the admission fee. Plus, $20 snowshoe rental fee is required. However, you can enjoy ice staking (shoe rental: $8), nice restaurants, and a fantastic view up there. Do not forget to click “Are you BC resident?” and punch in your postal code when you buy a ticket online in advance, then you will get a $10 discount!
Although the risk is relatively lower, mountain weather can change quickly. There can be snowstorms or fog etc. Please manage yourself well, and enjoy this lovely winter sport!
Cypress Mountain
Official Website
Mount Seymour
Official Website
Grouse Mountain
Official Website